Co-Responder - Incident History
Table of Contents
The Incident History functionality in ClientTrack allows users to track critical incidents, grievances, or complaints. This can be completed for a specific client through either the Home Workspace or the Client Workspace.
Please Note:
Adding a New Incident History - Home Workspace
When accessing the New Incident History in the Home Workspace, you can find the Incident History in the favorites bar at the top left of the screen.

Adding a New Incident History - Client Workspace
Navigate to the Client Workspace and find the client you'll be entering the Incident History for. Once their dashboard appears, select Incident History under on the Navigation Bar.

The Incident History form will display a history of the client's incidents, grievances, or complains. To create a new Incident, Select Add New Incident in the right-hand corner.

Complete the Incident History Entry Data. The Date & Time Reported will default to the time that the user started the new incident. The Incident number may refer to a number generated by CAD, RMS or your organizations internal reference number.
The Location dropdown list is established within the Administration menu (Setup Data Management) in ClientTrack. If you need a new location added, please speak to your internal ClientTrack Administrator.

If the user allows ClientTrack to view the location of their device, the field Geolocation will automatically be populated when entering a new incident. The user can select Map to show the Google Map of this area. This text box can also be manually updated if the user is not onsite.

If the user doesn't allow ClientTrack to view the location of their device, the user will see the below message that Location Permission Denied. This can be updated by adjusting the Site Permissions on the user's browser to allow ClientTrack to access their device's Location.

Enter data regarding the Mode of Referral, Incident Date and Time, Incident(s), and Outcome.
Are any staff members involved?: User can record if there was Staff Involved and note if there was any other Non-Staff Involvement. Please note that the Staff Involved field only shows Users who are setup as a “Case Manager” under User Management.

Incident Category: The user is required to select either Yes, No, or Unknown under MH (Mental Health) Incident, SUD (Substance Use Disorder) Incident, Hate Crime Incident, or Gang Related Incident.

If EMS responded to the Incident, the user may select “Yes” and add the EMS Response Type. If other, a text box field will become visible.

Physical Injury, Property Damage, or Follow Up Required: User can select if these items are applicable. If “Yes” is selected, a text box will appear to add more information.

Follow Up: User can select Is follow up required? If “Yes” is selected, a text box will appear to add additional information.
Read Only can be checked to ensure the record isn't updated in the future. Other users who select “Edit Incident” will see a read only version of the form. Please Note: Only the user who created the record can uncheck Read Only.
Restriction allows the user to change who can access this specific Incident. Restrict to Organization only allows users from the same organization to see the record. Restrict to User is uncommon (and often removed) as it allows only the user who created the record to view the Incident. The default is DO NOT RESTRICT, which will allow any users in the MOU to view the record.

Once the incident has been completed, click Save. This will navigate you back to the Incident History form to review all records.
Client Incident History Report
Once the Incident has been saved, the user can create a report page by selecting the “Action Button” next to the record and select “Incident Report”. This will generate a report that the user can save or print.

Report Example
Data Explorer Domain: Incident History
The Incident History can be reported on through Data Explorer by navigating to Home, Reports, Data Explorer. The domain is called Co-Responder Incident.

The fields collected on the “Incident History” form can be added to a Data Explorer report in the Domain called Co-Responder Incident.