HOPWA Report Explained
A Comprehensive Breakdown
Table of Contents
In this guide, we provide a comprehensive section-by-section overview of the HOPWA report in ClientTrack, offering insights into its functionality and detailing the sources of its data. Our aim is to help you understand each component of the report, ensuring you can effectively interpret and utilize the information provided.
Before proceeding: consult the HOPWA in ClientTrack article for crucial setup insights, particularly in key areas like Housing Outcomes and Supportive Services, to ensure compliance and accuracy. |
Access Path: Reports > HMIS Reports > HOPWA APR/CAPER
Running the report
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ClientTrack's HOPWA Report

Project Information
The project universe selected within the specified time range.

This section provides a straightforward list of the selected project(s) and (1) the total count of HOPWA-eligible enrolled households, and (2) the total count of HOPWA-eligible individual(s) and beneficiaries per project.
It's common for households to be enrolled in more than one HOPWA project type. To maintain accuracy, we use ranking functions to deduplicate entries.
Print or export data as needed for manual verification.
For more terminology, consult the HOPWA Glossary and Acronyms document.
Expanded beyond housing subsidy assistance, this section now includes data across all HOPWA types, divided into HOPWA-eligible individual(s): and Beneficiaries. The data for this section comes from three distinct Universal Data Elements: Birthdate, Gender, Race and Ethnicity. Records with gender information missing will be reported in the last column set Gender Not Disclosed.

Client Counts
Total unduplicated count of clients across all HOPWA service types, including Housing Info and Supportive Services

Row by row breakdown:
- All HOPWA-eligible individuals (but NOT all HIV+ individuals)
- Beneficiaries total (sum of rows 3 and 4).
- All Beneficiaries who are HIV+
- All Beneficiaries who are HIV negative or have an unknown status.
Prior Living Situation
Focuses on Prior Living Situations for newly served HOPWA-eligible individuals by specific project types: (TBRA) Tenant-Based Rental Assistance, (P-FBH) Permanent Facility-Based Housing, (ST-TFBH) Short-Term Transitional Facility-Based Housing, and (PHP) Permanent Housing Placement Assistance.

- Counts the number of HOPWA-eligible individuals who continued receiving assistance from the previous year.
- Counts new HOPWA-eligible individuals from any of the Prior Living Situation categories listed in the table.
- Counts new HOPWA-eligible individuals with non-reported (or refused) prior living situation.
- Counts new HOPWA-eligible individuals who reported a Prior Living Situation of homelessness.
- Counts new HOPWA-eligible individuals from Row 4 who also met the definition of chronically homeless.
Counts the new HOPWA-eligible individuals from Row 4 who are veterans.
Important Note: Number 5 and 6 derive from number 4 - these counts must not exceed number 4 totals. |
Households Served with HOPWA Housing Subsidy Assistance

The data in these cells represent the total of unduplicated HOPWA assisted households across these five project types within the specified timeframe.
Important Note: Households enrolled in multiple projects will only be counted in one, the most recent enrollment. |
Income Levels for Households Served by this Activity
For this section, households are divided into three income brackets based on their income as a percentage of AMI. The report automatically assigns each household to one of the above categories based on their income and the median income of the area. This classification helps to represent the financial status of clients in relation to the average income in their area.
FamilyAcctID is used to ensure that each family (household) is only counted once.
Sources of Income for Households Served by this Activity

In this table, assisted households within the specified date range of your report are categorized into relevant income brackets. Additionally, detailed counts of the various types of HOPWA assistance being utilized are provided, serving as a crucial measure of economic stability and an indicator of the effectiveness of assistance provided. The data for this section comes from two common Program Specific Data Elements: Income and Sources, and Non-Cash Benefits.
FamilyAcctID is used to ensure that each family (household) is only counted once.
Medical Insurance for Households Served by this Activity

Insurance Type counts summarize the types of medical insurance accessed by households within the HOPWA program during the specified timeframe. They provide counts for each type of insurance, broken down by each of the HOPWA project categories represented as columns above.
The report aggregates data to ensure that each household's most recent insurance status is reflected in the counts, eliminating any duplication of households.
Health Outcomes for Households served by this Activity

This section provides detailed insights into the health outcomes of HOPWA-eligible individuals and their households, with a particular focus on medication and viral load assessments.
Two assessments play a crucial role in this section:
Prescribed Anti-Retroviral and T-Cell/Viral Load.
Prescribed Anti-Retroviral tracks whether individuals enrolled in the program have been prescribed antiretroviral drugs, crucial for HIV management. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is fundamental in HIV treatment and involves using HIV medicines to combat HIV infection.
T-Cell/Viral Load contains data regarding clients' viral load measurements. "Viral load" refers to the amount of HIV in the blood. Monitoring viral load is critical in assessing an HIV-positive individual’s health status and the effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy.
First and last viral load assessments within the period are captured to prevent redundancies.
Important Note: For a household to be featured in this table, a linked record within the reporting period is required for each assessment. |
Longevity for Households Served by this Activity

Longevity, in this context, refers to the duration of time clients have been receiving services from HOPWA programs. The primary objective is to track client engagement across three distinct HOPWA program types: TBRA, P-FBH, and ST-TFBH.
FamilyAcctID is used to ensure that each family (household) is only counted once, prioritizing most recent enrollments.
Longevity for Households Served by STRMU
STRMU Only – Longevity for Households Served by this Activity

Row by row breakdown:
- Distinct counts of active family accounts currently enrolled in this HOPWA project type.
- Counts newly enrolled households for the reporting period with no previous enrollment history in the past five years.
- Counts households that received assistance within the year preceding the current reporting period.
- Counts repeat enrollments (different cases) occurring at least twice within a five-year look-back period.
- Counts households continuously enrolled and receiving services for the last five years without interruption.
Important Note: Rows 4 and 5 consider enrollment dates, duration, and service patterns over multiple years, while the first three rows focus just on enrollment dates. |
Housing outcomes for Households Served by…
This section provides counts of various outcomes based on the type of housing assistance received, as well as the exit destinations within a specified date range, typically a fiscal year. Certain setup prerequisites must be met to generate this information.

Row by row breakdown:
- Still enrolled or have an exit date beyond the report's end date.
- Exited clients who relocated to 'Other HOPWA Housing Programs' destinations.
- Exited clients who relocated to 'Other Housing Subsidy Programs' destinations.
- Exited clients with ‘Emergency Shelter’ destinations.
- Exited clients with ‘Private Housing’ destinations.
- Exited clients with ‘Transitional Housing’ destinations.
- Exited clients with destinations classified as 'Institutional Arrangement (expected to last less than six months).’
- Exited clients with destinations classified as 'Institutional Arrangement (expected to last more than six months).’
- Exited clients with destinations classified as ‘Jail/Prison (expected to last less than six months).’
- Exited clients with a destination classified as ‘Jail/Prison (expected to last more than six months)’
- Exited clients with a destination classified as 'not expected to last more than 90 days and uncertain after…’
- Exited clients with ‘Place not meant for Human Habitation’ destinations.
- Exited clients with ‘Disconnected from Care’ destinations.
- Exited clients with destinations classified as ‘Deceased.’
- No calculation in the report.
Supportive Services
Counts the assistance provided to HOPWA-eligible individuals enrolled in any Supportive Service Only project type within the specified timeframe. Certain setup prerequisites must be met to generate this information.

Access to Care (ATC)
Distinct counts of households using both the earliest and most recent activities, ensuring that each client is only counted once within each HOPWA Project Type.

Housing Subsidy Assistance Household Count Deduplication

Row by row breakdown:
- Count of cases who received HOPWA housing subsidy assistance from the listed program types.
- Count of cases who received more than one type of HOPWA housing subsidy assistance from the listed program types.
- Regardless of the number of assistance received by households, count each family once.
Access to Care (ATC)
Complete HOPWA Outcomes for Access to Care and Support for all households served with HOPWA housing assistance and "other competitive activities" in the reporting year.

This section focuses on various benchmarks of client success, from interactions with case managers to housing stability and employment. The data comes from the HOPWA Assessment. If a household has more than one, the most recent one will be used.
Case Management
Number of households that received HOPWA Housing Subsidy Assistance with Supportive Services and with HOPWA Funded Case Management.

Only clients with active case assignments are included.
Row by row breakdown:
- Households with active case assignment within the specified time range that received any type of HOPWA Housing Subsidy Assistance and HOPWA Funded Case Management.
- Households with active case assignment within the specified time range that received any type of HOPWA Housing Subsidy Assistance and Supportive Services.
Frequently Asked Question (F.A.Q.)
Why the report only counts one when I have two clients eligible for HOPWA enrolled in the program?
In our baseline workflows and reports, the HOPWA-eligible individual is the first person enrolled in a HOPWA program with a documented HIV/AIDS Barrier, even if multiple family members are affected by the disease. HOPWA determines that other family members enrolled in the same household are classified as beneficiaries.
Why is there a discrepancy in the numbers when I compare the data in the HUD ESG CAPER with the HOPWA CAPER?
Attempting to compare reports that have no logical correlation, such as the HOPWA CAPER and a HUD ESG CAPER, is an exercise in futility. While the data universes may overlap, the underlying logic differs significantly. This contrast is evident from the distinct gender definitions, combinations, and age ranges specified in the ESG CAPER, which have not yet been incorporated into the HOPWA instructions.
I have a client who identifies with a culturally specific identity, but I don't see them represented in the report. Why is that?
It's important to note that the gender definitions in the HOPWA report do not currently align with the 2024 HMIS Data Standards. While the categories have been expanded to reflect a wider range of gender identities, they align with the 2022 Data Standards. Therefore, individuals who report a gender identity not included in the list, such as 'Questioning,' 'Culturally Specific Identity,' or 'Different Identity,' may not be included in the 'Gender Not Disclosed' column.
I noticed that clicking the hyperlink reveals more data than what's shown in the report. Which data should I consider accurate?
The report viewer presents unduplicated counts, providing a summarized view. In contrast, the details section shows all data considered, offering a complete picture. Both are accurate, but they serve different purposes. The viewer highlights the summary, while the details section provides comprehensive insights.
Why is my client, who started receiving assistance last year and is enrolled in two of the three HOPWA projects (SSO, TBRA, and PHP), only counted in one project in the Prior Living Situation section?
Although the client is counted only once in the Prior Living Situation section, you can find them listed twice in the validation file. When a client is enrolled in multiple HOPWA projects, most questions only consider the latest enrollment to assist with deduplication efforts. Additionally, it's important to note that SSO projects are excluded from the calculation in the Prior Living Situation section, regardless of active enrollment. This approach helps maintain data accuracy and consistency across reports.
Why does my client appear only under TBRA when I run the report, despite being enrolled in three projects (TBRA, P-FBH, ST-TFBH)? I can see them listed in the other two projects only when I generate the report for each project separately. Why is this happening?
When you generate the report for just one project type, such as TBRA, you might miss out on seeing enrollments in other projects like P-FBH and ST-TFBH. This occurs because the report focuses on the most recent enrollments within the selected project type. As a result, enrollments in other projects may be excluded, regardless of their status. To ensure you see all relevant information across projects, it’s best to run the report for all three project types simultaneously. This approach provides a complete and accurate view of the client's participation across the different projects.
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