Table of Contents
The Adverse Childhood Experience Questionnaire for Adults is intended to capture data on experiences that may be affecting the client's current or future health. This information is typically shared with a provider to assist the client in supporting their health and well-being.
Add New ACEs Questionnaire
Navigate to the ACEs Questionnaire on the Client Workspace. This form shows the history of the Client's previously captured ACEs Questionnaires and allows you to create a new record.

This questionnaire guides the user through 10 questions and creates a “ACEs Score” at the end totaling the “Yes” responses.

Once the Questionnaire has been completed, select Save. This will navigate you back to the ACEs Questionnaires History form to review all records.
Data Explorer Domain: ACEs Questionnaire
The ACEs Questionnaire can be reported on through Data Explorer by navigating to Home, Reports, Data Explorer. The domain is called Incidents.

The fields collected on the “Incident History” form can be added to a Data Explorer report in the Domain called ACEs Questionnaire.