Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Data Collection
Table of Contents
Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) is a federally funded program that provides state and local governments and nonprofit agencies funds to serve low-income individuals and families with the goal of self-sufficiency. CSBG specifically funds services and activities that aim to reduce the causes and conditions of poverty in local communities. Find additional information about CSBG here.
To ensure smooth reporting on CSBG funded projects, please use the article below for instructions on which data collection information is required when enrolling into a CSBG project. Find other related CSBG articles for Setup Data & Reporting on the Eccovia KnowledgeBase.
The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) workgroup contains all of the key forms, form elements, workflows, and reports. If users are not logged in to the correct workgroup, key form elements may not be present to collect the required information.

CSBG Client Dashboard
The Client workspace contains all relevant data collection points for CSBG reporting for each client. Users can find a condensed version of the Client Information at the top of the dashboard. This displays basic demographic information about the client in focus. The next section of the Client Dashboard is the client's Enrollments. This allows users to see previous and current program enrollments for the client. Finally, the client dashboard contains a section for Goals and Services recorded for the client. These two elements should allow users to easily review, update & navigate to the client Goals & Services.
CSBG Client Intake
Navigate to the Client Workspace and select CSBG Intake from your menu.

Users can select between Add New Client, Use the Current Client or Select Another Client.
The workflow will direct users to review the Client Intake information for completion, and add and review existing Family Members.

Users will then be prompted to Enroll the client into a program. Select the correct Program from the drop-down list, select which household members to enroll and confirm the Date of Enrollment.
Once the client has been enrolled into a program, users will be directed to three assessments: Core Demographics, Financial Assessment, Employment Assessment. These three assessments collect the information that is reported on in the CSBG Characteristics report.

After completing the three assessments, the workflow will direct users to record Case Notes with Services and Goals. Neither of these forms is required and both can be added outside of the workflow.
Quick Notes:
When all required fields and forms are complete, and navigated through the workflow, you will click Finish, which will direct you back to the client's dashboard.
Users should now see the CSBG program enrollment you created within the Enrollments section of the dashboard.

Client Goals
Navigate to the Client Workspace, then the Client Coordination menu group, and select Goals. Users can also use the action button (…) located beside the CSBG program and select Goals from the menu.

Managing Goals
Once on the Client Goals form, users will see a listing of all of the clients goals that have been created.
- To create a new goal, select Add New Goal at the top of the page
- To create multiple new goals, select Quick Goals.
- To review a clients goal plan, select the Client Goal Report.
To update an existing goal, select the action button beside the appropriate goal. Users can select from 4 options:
- Edit Goal - allows you to modify the existing goal
- Goal Progress - you are able to track the client's progress toward completion of the goal
- Service - allows you to record a service for the goal
- Delete - if the goal should not have been added and connected to the CSBG program, you can delete it

Recording Goals
Whether editing or adding a new goal, there are several fields that need to be filled out in order for the goal to be included in the CSBG ROMA NPI Report.
Upon initially adding the goal, users should select the Goal Group, Goal, Goal Date, Status and Associated Enrollment.

Users can select between three options for Status - Open, On Hold, and Closed.
- When a goal is Open, the goal is considered still active and will not yet count for the CSBG ROMA NPI report.
- When a goal is On Hold, the goal is considered not active and will not yet count for the CSBG ROMA NPI report.
When a goal is Closed, users will be prompted to select an Outcome, Attained or Discontinued, and a Completion Date.
- If the Outcome is selected as Attained, this goal will be considered for the CSBG ROMA NPI report.
Associated Enrollment will ensure this specific Goal is correctly linked to the CSBG enrollment.

Review CSBG Assessments
Users can review the assessments that were completed during the program enrollment by navigating to the Client Coordination menu group, selecting the Master Assessments menu group, and selecting the relevant assessment. Once on the assessment search form, users can review the data, edit or delete the existing assessments.

Exiting the Enrollment
When a client or household is no longer receiving services from the CSBG program, users should complete an Exit Workflow. Navigate to the Client Workspace and select Exit Workflow from the action buttons of the Enrollment search form.

Users should enter an Exit Date, Exit Destination and complete all appropriate forms in the workflow.

When the Exit Workflow is complete, users can verify that the client has exited by reviewing the Enrollments search form. The exited enrollment should show under Previous on the form.