APR/CAPER Exports Guide
[HMIS Reporting] How-to series
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The Annual Performance Report (APR) and the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) are mandatory submissions to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and are required within 90 days after a grant recipient's operating year ends. While the APR and CAPER evaluate the performance of projects funded under the Continuum of Care (CoC) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs, respectively, they can be used as performance reports for any project, regardless of funding sources.
As of April 1, 2017, HUD mandates that these reports be submitted via Comma Separated Values (CSV) exports generated from the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and uploaded to the Sage repository.
This walkthrough provides a comprehensive, step-by-step guide on preparing and running an APR or CAPER in ClientTrack. Our aim is to guide you effectively through the process so that you can successfully obtain your data, whether your goal is to submit or analyze it.

APR Access Path: Reports > HMIS Exports > CSV APR - FY2024
CAPER Access Path: Reports > HMIS Exports > CSV CAPER - FY2024

Note: Despite differences, the APR and CAPER reports share overlapping features, including where to find them and how to run them in ClientTrack. |
Optional Features
Before exploring the steps to run this report, consider these two features that can simplify your experience, especially when managing multiple reports: Saved Report Settings and Report Identifier.
Simplify repeat report generation with Saved Report Settings.
Choose 'Save settings' from the menu, name it descriptively, select your criteria, and run the report. Your saved settings will be available next time you access this screen.

The Report Identifier field is designed to help report runners distinguish between reports and minimize confusion.
It proves particularly helpful in the APR/CAPER Viewer tool, which includes a dedicated column for quick identification.
Both of these features are optional and not required to run the report/export.
Set the Export parameters
To effectively produce the APR/CAPER Export, ensure you have the following components:
- Date Range: Define the timeline for your data. Choose from predefined options like weeks, months, or years, or set your own custom dates.
- Organization: Use this filter to specify which orgs to include in your report. Select them individually or use the 'select all' icon.
- Grant (optional): Also known as Funding Sources, grants are typically linked to programs, allowing you to generate the report by simply selecting the program. If necessary, you can also check the box to select specific grants.
- Project(s): Choose the projects you want to include in your APR/CAPER. You can narrow down your list by using the Program Type filter.
- Validation (highly encouraged): This checkbox is selected by default. It generates an additional file alongside the standard export for the APR or CAPER: the Enhanced APR/CAPER Detail.
Note: When you use the grants and projects filters, each choice helps to narrow down your options. For example, if you pick Organization A, you'll see only the grants and projects linked to that organization. If you then select the Red Grant, you'll see just the projects from Organization A that are funded by it. |
Once the filters are set, click Run Export.

The system will prompt you to encrypt your export but this is not required.
Uncheck the Encrypt Export box and confirm this change by accepting "full responsibility" for the data before proceeding.

Additionally, you can choose to include a Header Row in the CSV file. If you plan to examine the data, including a header row is recommended for easier understanding.
After that, click Done to process the report.
Just like with any export, the files won't appear instantly. Generating the report will take a little time. Once it's ready, you can download the zip file directly to your computer by heading to Files on Server.
Note: Export Encryption is necessary only when you intend to send the files through email or any unsecured method, as the APR Export Detail includes Personally Identifiable Information (PII) that must remain secure. |
Export Files Explained
Once generated, the Export file and three additional compressed files (unless the Validation checkbox was unchecked, in which case it will be only two additional files), each designed for a specific purpose, will be ready for download on the Files on Server page.

The first files that pop up are what we call our Pre-Load files. Think of them like the foundation and scaffolding used in constructing a building. They are essential for supporting the structure during construction, but once the building (your main export) is complete, they no longer need your focus, and you can safely delete them.
Next, the most important file is the one with 'Export' in its title. This is the file you’ll need to submit to HUD if that's why you ran the APR. Download this file and upload it to Sage for your report.
Finally, you have the Validation file, also known as the APR Export Detail. This file is crucial for troubleshooting, especially for drilling down to client-level data in the APR/CAPER Viewer.
Important Note: Please don't modify the contents of the downloaded report, as SAGE won't accept altered files. Avoid opening the zip file or altering any files inside—it will lead to rejection. You can rename the file, but ensure the file extension remains unchanged when doing so. |
See also…