Determining if a project is a "Continuum Project" or not
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The "Continuum Project" field is a crucial component that can sometimes lead to confusion among administrators when configuring an HMIS project in ClientTrack. The HUD's HMIS Data Standards Manual provides specific guidance regarding this field:
"Continuum Project refers to a distinct unit of an organization, which may or may not be funded by HUD or the Federal partners, whose primary purpose is to provide services and/or lodging for individuals and families experiencing homelessness or at-risk of experiencing homelessness and is identified by the Continuum as part of its service system. For example, a project funded by the HUD's CoC Program may be referred to as a “CoC Program-funded continuum project”.
Think of the "Continuum Project" as a label for projects that mainly help people experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness. It doesn't mean these projects exclusively serve these groups, but most of the people they assist should be in these situations.
For example, imagine a project that offers meals to anyone in need, regardless of their housing situation. This project wouldn't be considered a "Continuum Project" because it serves a broader audience than just those experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Remember, the "Continuum Project" radio-button has nothing to do with the project's funding source, like CoC funding. It's about who the project primarily serves – people facing homelessness or at risk of it.
The primary way this field effects an HMIS is on the reporting side. The LSA and SPM reports completely exclude any projects that are not setup as Continuum Projects. Besides this, the Current Living Situation assessment also filters it’s “Living Situation verified by” project list by projects that are setup as a Continuum Project.