APR/CAPER Review Tool Explained
A Comprehensive Breakdown
Table of Contents
This guide provides a detailed walkthrough on how to use ClientTrack's APR/CAPER Review tool effectively. By following this guide, you'll learn how to preview, analyze, and interact with APR/CAPER exports, enabling you to identify and correct data errors with ease. The aim is to streamline your reporting process and ensure accurate data management..
Before proceeding: consult the APR/CAPER Exports Guide for crucial insight on how to prepare and run these exports. |
Access Path: Reports > HMIS Exports > APR / CAPER Review
ClientTrack provides an interactive tool for previewing APR/CAPER exports in a format similar to SAGE HMIS templates. Unlike other aggregated data analysis tools offered in the wild, ours allows users to select aggregate numbers in each table to generate detailed client reports, helping to identify and correct data errors effortlessly. The format is easier to navigate than multiple Excel files, and its drill-down functionality offers straightforward access to client-level data, streamlining analysis.

Clicking the APR/CAPER Review menu option leads to a page displaying all run APR/CAPER reports. Let the diagram below serve as your guide.
- Report Type: Filter the list by APR, CAPER, or CE APR.
- Run #: Identifies the specific data pull record.
- Action button: Click to open the APR/CAPER Review tool or Set it for removal*.
- Fiscal Year: Indicates the Data Standards FY programming specifications used to design the report.
- EA TaskID: Unique task number for the Export file (for other files taskIDs check the Files column).
- Report Run Date: Date and time the report was requested.
- Report Identifier: User-provided label to identify the report.
- Begin Date: The initial date included in the report data.
- Project List: Projects included in the report.
- End Date: The final date included in the report data.
- Drill Down: Indicates if detailed data is available for analysis in the APR/CAPER Review tool.
- Report Requested by: Username of the requestor.
- Files: Hover over the question mark to see which files were created for this report.
* The run will be removed over time not immediately, depending on how many are set for removal.
Inside the Viewer
Select the View APR/CAPER option to launch the interactive report.

After clicking, look to the upper right corner, where two notifications will indicate the status of your request. The first notification appears when the system is processing it, and the second appears upon completion.
Click on the second notification to open your APR/CAPER Review.

Note: Clicking on the first notification won't interrupt the process. The pop-up will appear, but since the report is still being generated, the page will remain blank until ready—much like watching paint dry. Please be patient. |

Once opened, the Viewer initially displays the Report Criteria, including the report type, date range, organization(s), and project(s) used to generate the APR or CAPER. Following this, the Report Viewer proceeds with Question 4a: Project Identifiers.
Below the initial criteria, the APR/CAPER data is presented in a format suited for analysis. The data is aggregated into tables, and our solution adds the advantage of interactivity.

Click on the headers or numbers to drill down into client-level data, enabling exploration of details at a granular level. This feature is particularly helpful for troubleshooting data inconsistencies or identifying missing data.

Simply click on the number (hyperlink), and a pop-up will display the client record that is missing data for that specific element.

In this example (see image above), the Viewer displays enrollment information, making it easy to find missing data—especially useful for clients with multiple enrollments in the report. Alongside the Project Name, you'll see the ClientID, Name, Entry Date, and Exit Date. With this information, you can choose your path: take the scenic route by navigating the Clients workspace to search for your client, or opt for the fastest route by clicking the ClientID hyperlink.
This link will take you directly to the specific Client's Dashboard, where you can locate the relevant enrollment and make the necessary edits to resolve the data issue.

Quick Tip: If the Report Viewer gets in the way of the Client Dashboard, simply minimize it. This allows you to make edits without losing your place. When you're ready to continue, just click on the minimized Viewer in the workspaces bar to bring it back. |

When you no longer need files related to the original HUD APR or ESG CAPER exports in either Files on Server or the APR/CAPER Review, consider deleting them or set them for removal. Unused or unnecessary exports can impact database storage, so it's important to save only the reports you are actively working with.
Efficient use of ClientTrack's APR/CAPER Review tool allows you to maintain clean and accurate data while saving valuable storage space. By following these guidelines and tips, you can streamline your reporting process and focus on what truly matters: providing exceptional service to your clients. Don't hesitate to explore the capabilities of this tool further, ensuring you're equipped with the knowledge to make the most of your reporting and analysis tasks.