Learn tips/tricks for generating a CSV Export from ClientTrack.
Table of Contents
Accessing the CSV Export 2024
Users can access the CSV Export 2024 by navigating to the Reports Workspace > HMIS Exports > CSV Export 2024 . Individual environments may elect to menu the CSV Export 2024 up in other spaces. Please check with your local administrator if you do not have access to the Reports Workspace and need to generate a csv export.
CSV Export
Beginning in October 2023, ClientTrack has released a new CSV Export 2024. Users needing to generate a CSV Export for any purposes, should go directly to the CSV Export 2024 report launch form.
Users will be need to utilize the filters outlined below in order to correctly generate a CSV Export. Additional filters may be applied, including selecting specific Program(s) and Grant(s).
- Source End Point
- Source Type
- Date Range
- Organization(s)
- Exclude Deleted Records
CSV Export for Eva
Users needing to generate a CSV Export for Eva, should go directly to the CSV Export 2024 report launch form.
Users will be need to utilize the filters outlined below in order to correctly generate a CSV Export to be accepted by Eva. Additional filters may be applied, including selecting specific Program(s) and Grant(s).
- Source End Point
- Source Type
- Date Range
- Organization(s)
- Exclude Deleted Records
- Hash PII
- Limit Services to within Enrollment Entry and Exit Dates
- Limit After Care to 180 days from Exit
SSVF Export
Beginning in October 2023, ClientTrack has integrated the SSVF Export into the overarching CSV Export 2024. Users needing to generate a CSV Export for SSVF purposes should go directly to the CSV Export 2024 report launch form.
Users will need to utilize the filters outlined below in order to correctly generate an SSVF CSV Export. Additional filters may be applied, including selecting specific Program(s) and Grant(s).
- Source End Point
- Source Type
- Date Range
- Organization(s)
- Exclude Deleted Records
- Limit services to within the Enrollment Entry and Exit Dates
Additional guidance for timelines and requirements for the SSVF Export can be found in the SSVF FY24 Data Guide.
RHY Export
Beginning in October 2023, ClientTrack has integrated the RHY Export into the overarching CSV Export 2024. Users needing to generate a CSV Export for RHY and/or YHDP purposes should go directly to the CSV Export 2024 report launch form.
Users will be need to select the filters outlined below in order to correctly generate a RHY CSV Export. Additional filters may be applied, including selecting specific Program(s) and Grant(s).
- Source End Point
- Source Type
- Date Range
- Organization(s)
- Exclude Deleted Records
- Limit After Care to 180 days from Exit
- Limit services to within the Enrollment Entry and Exit Dates
- Hash PII
Additional guidance for timelines and requirements for the RHY Export can be found in the RHY-HMIS Program Manual.
Report Launch Page Filters
Saved Report Settings
Saved Report Settings can be set up by a user as they apply filters, choose projects or grants, and select the date ranges. Users can reuse these saved settings in the future to generate another report without needing to reapply the same parameters manually.

Source End Point
An Integration End Point represents one side of a recurring or one-time data export or import. Each end-point clearly identifies the system that records are being SENT TO or the system that the records are being RECEIVED FROM.
Modifying or Adding an End Point
To modify or add an End Point, please reach out to your System Administrator or navigate to Home Workspace > Global Administration > System Integration > Integration End Points
Source Type
The Source Type is not a filter but is required before generating a CSV Export. The option selected for Source Type will directly feed into the Export.csv in the SourceType column. According to the FY2024 CSV Specifications, this field identifies the type of source database that the data is exported from.
When Continuum-Operated HMIS is selected, users will need to also select a specific Continuum of Care (CoC) code.
Selecting any of the other three options - Agency-Specific Database, Data Warehouse, or Other - no additional filters or fields are necessary.

Date Range
The Date Range filter can be used to filter the enrollments that were active at some point during the date range selected. There are several pre-defined date ranges for users to choose from. If those date ranges do not apply, users may manually update the date range for the export.

The Organization(s) filter is a required field before generating an export. Upon loading, the Organization the user is logged into will default to selected. Users may select as many organizations as necessary and the export will include applicable records for that organization.

The Program(s) filter may be used to restrict the export records to only include applicable records within the program(s) selected. This field is not required and users may select any and all applicable projects.

Project Type
This filter will only filter the program list below, it will not be passed through to the Export as a parameter. The drop-down list used here is ListID 3431 and will only display HMIS specific project types with an item value of greater than 100 and are not ‘D’/Deleted. This means that retired project types and non-HMIS project types will not appear in this list. Users can skip using this filter if the desired programs are not HMIS project types and/or are Deleted project types.
HMIS Projects Only
This filter will only filter the program list below, it will not be passed through to the Export as a parameter. When checked, the program list will only display programs that has an active HMIS grant attached to the program. When unchecked, the program list will display all programs according to the other filters and parameters on the report launch form.
This filter is passed through to the Export as a parameter and enables the CSV Export to limit the results to only the programs selected. When a specific program is selected, the program information and it's related clients, enrollments and services will be included in the report. When no program(s) are selected from this list, the CSV Export will default to include all programs that have active enrollments within the report timeframe.
HELP: Not seeing a program you expected to be included?
Did you select any programs from the program list?
- No - The program may have no enrollments and therefore not be included in the export because the specific program wasn't selected. If you want to include the program in a future run, ensure it's selected from the program list prior to generating the export.
Yes - Review the task parameters to ensure that the specific Program ID you are looking for was included.
- If the Program ID you are looking for wasn't included, the program will not appear in the export results because the report was limited to only the programs selected.
- If the Program ID you are looking for was included and you're not seeing the program included in the result set, please submit a support ticket.
Did you select all programs from the program list?
- No - You may not have selected to include the program in the export, OR additional filters were applied to the report launch form that filtered out the specific program you are looking for.
- Yes - You may have added additional filters to the program list and inadvertently filtered out the relevant program.
Try selecting the relevant Organization, clearing any filters used for the Project Type and HMIS Projects Only, and confirm that the Program isn't ‘D’/Deleted. The program should appear in the Program(s) list. If it does not, please submit a support ticket.
The Grant(s) filter may be used to restrict the export records to only include applicable records within the grant(s) selected. This field is not required and users may select any and all applicable grants.

Exclude Deleted Records
This filter will exclude any deleted records from the export. Deleted records may include, but are not limited to deleted programs, deleted enrollments, and deleted client records. This filter is set to default as ‘Exclude Deleted Records’. If a user would like to include the deleted records, they may uncheck this filter and generate the export.
Including Deleted Records may cause errors when uploading CSV Exports to other applications due to missing relationships and required fields.
It is highly recommended to continue to exclude deleted records when generating a CSV Export.

Include PIT Count Information
This filter is not required, but when checked, will include PIT Count information for the date selected in the PITCount field in Project.csv. If checked, the CSV Export will include any PIT Count information that has been entered via the new PIT Count Data Entry process for the date selected.
Note: This filter allows for manually entered PIT Count information to be included in the CSV Export. It does not calculate the PIT Count based on enrollments or services for the projects.

Additional Filters

This filter is not required, but when selected, allows users to filter the records included in the CSV Export to only include records associated with the CoC selected. The CoC selected must match the Enrollment CoC in the clients Universal Data Assessment at entry and/or the Program CoC for project setup.
Included Assessment Types
This filter is not required, but when selected, allows users to filter the records included in the CSV Export to only records associated with the specific Assessment Types selected. These Assessment Types include Entry, During Program, Enrollment/Update, Annual, Exit, Post Exit/Follow Up and Other.
Limit After Care to 180 days from Exit
This filter is not required, but when selected, allows users to filter the records to exclude any After Care assessments collected outside of the 180 day timeframe defined by HUD. This filter is not required, but users generating a CSV Export for a RHY Export or a YHDP Supplemental Report should select this filter.
Limit services to within the Enrollment Entry and Exit Dates
This filter allows users to filter the export to exclude any services that are provided to a client outside of the Enrollment Entry and Exit dates. This filter is not required, but users generating a CSV Export for an official HUD purpose, including the SSVF Export, RHY Export, YHDP Supplemental Report, and/or use with Eva, should select this filter.
Hash PII
This filter will apply the HUD defined Hash algorithm to the Personally Identified Information (PII) included in the CSV Export. This filter is not required, but users generating a CSV Export for a RHY Export, a YHDP Supplemental Report, or to use with Eva will need to select this filter to generate a Hashed CSV Export.

The CSV Export 2024 has been updated to align with the latest version of the FY2024 HMIS CSV Format Specifications. This export will produce a ZIP file containing the 24 CSV files - including the 2 new files, HMISParticipation and CEParticipation.