Coordinated Entry Event
Learn about the updates to 4.20 - Coordinated Entry Event for FY24 Data Standard Updates.
Table of Contents
In the FY24 Data Standards Updates, HUD included a minor change to 4.20 / Coordinated Entry Event. This update impacts ClientTrack form 4644, specifically the drop-down list for Location of Crisis Housing or Permanent Housing Referral.
This document will help you understand the form's configuration and how to set it up properly for the best results.

Coordinated Entry Event
As stated in the FY 2024 HMIS Data Standards Manual, a Coordinated Entry Event serves to document key referral and placement occurrences, along with their outcomes. These events encompass details such as the the Date, Type of Event, Location of Referral, Referral Result, and Date of Referral Result.
Don't Forget:
Each Coordinated Entry Event should be linked to an enrollment, regardless of the specific project type under that enrollment
The types of Coordinated Entry Events are broken into two categories:
Access Events
Access Events are referrals to a project or service that can provide an assessment for services. This may include a referral from an Emergency Shelter to a Coordinated Entry project that offers a Housing Needs Assessment for longer term housing projects.
- Referral to a Prevention Assistance project
- Problem Solving / Diversion/ Rapid Resolution intervention or services
- Referral to a scheduled Coordinated Entry Crisis Needs Assessment
- Referral to a scheduled Coordinated Entry Housing Needs Assessment
Referral Events
Referral Events are referrals to a specific service or project with an opening to serve the individual upon receiving the referral. This may include a referral from a Coordinated Entry project to a Rapid Rehousing project with a vacancy. This may also include a referral from a Coordinated Entry project to a one-time financial assistance program for Furniture Assistance.
- Referral to post-placement/follow-up case management
- Referral to Street Outreach project or services
- Referral to Housing Navigation project or services
- Referral to Non-continuum services: Ineligible for continuum services
- Referral to Non-continuum services: No availability in continuum services
- Referral to Emergency Shelter bed opening
- Referral to Transitional Housing bed/unit opening
- Referral to Joint TH-RRH project/unit/resource opening
- Referral to RRH project resource opening
- Referral to PSH project resource opening
- Referral to Other PH project/unit/resource opening
- Referral to emergency assistance/flex fund/furniture assistance
- Referral to Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV)
- Referral to a Housing Stability Voucher
Client housed / re-housed in a safe alternative
This field is only required when the Event Type is Problem Solving / Diversion/ Rapid Resolution intervention or services. This dependent question acts as the close out to the Coordinated Entry Event.
Enrolled in Aftercare project
This field is only required when the Event Type is Referral to post-placement/follow-up case management. This dependent question acts as the close out to the Coordinated Entry Event.
Location of Crisis Housing or Permanent Housing Referral
This field is only required when the Event Type is one of the events listed below. This dependent question works to correctly identify the potential enrollment for the client.
- Referral to Emergency Shelter bed opening
- Referral to Transitional Housing bed/unit opening
- Referral to Joint TH-RRH project/unit/resource opening
- Referral to RRH project resource opening
- Referral to PSH project resource opening
- Referral to Other PH project/unit/resource opening
The drop-down list for this field has been updated with the FY24 Data Standards Updates. There are now four criteria that must be true for a project to be displayed. See the Venn Diagram and example project below for reference.

Project & Event Example
1. The expected project has to have a CE Participation record that has ‘Yes’ to Receiving CE Referrals.

2. The Date of CE Event is on or between the CE Participation record Start and End Date. This should be the same CE Participation record chosen from criteria 1.

3. The Project Type of the expected project is the same as relevant CE Event.

4. The CoC Code from Enrollment CoC of the associated Enrollment, matches the applicable CoC's from CE Participation Status

Problem Solving for Location of Crisis Housing or Permanent Housing Referral
If an expected project is missing from the drop down list in the Location of Crisis Housing or permanent Housing Referral, this can help you troubleshoot and potentially solve the issue.
The expected project doesn't have a CE Participation record with ‘Yes’ to Receiving CE Referrals.
- Update the CE Participation record in project setup for the expected project.
The date of the CE Event is outside of the CE Participation Status dates.
- Confirm the CE Event Date is correct. Update the CE Participation record in project setup for the expected project.
CE Event type doesn't match the Project Type of the expected project.
- Confirm the CE Event type is correct. Review the FY24 HMIS Data Dictionary for appropriate CE Event type and Project Type mapping.
The Enrollment CoC for the enrollment linked to the CE Event doesn't match one of the applicable CoCs in the CE Participation record of the expected project.
- Update the ‘Applicable CoC’s under the CE Participation record within project setup for the expected project.
Referral Result
This field is only required when the Event Type is one of the events listed below. This is not required to be filled out at the time of the Coordinated Entry Event; however, there is an expectation that the Referral Result is completed as an outcome of the referral is available.
- Referral to Emergency Shelter bed opening
- Referral to Transitional Housing bed/unit opening
- Referral to Joint TH-RRH project/unit/resource opening
- Referral to RRH project resource opening
- Referral to PSH project resource opening
- Referral to Other PH project/unit/resource opening
- Referral to Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV)
- Referral to a Housing Stability Voucher
Result Date
This field is only required when the Referral Result contains a value. This is not required to be filled out at the time of the Coordinated Entry Event; however, there is an expectation that the Result Date is completed as a Referral Result is available.